Yes Bebe Mission- Marine Week

So this week on Instagram @yesbebeuk has been running an all new competition with the hashtag #yesbebemission! The theme for this week was marine life as it was national marine week, so all about under the sea, rock pools and beach life!

This blog post is just a place where you can see all my entries and invitations to play in one post for this week!


I started simple as it was the first day and I used a photo I had taken the previous day of my grimms waves on the sand at Marazion beach with St Michaels mount in the background as it was just so beautiful! 


Stacking, all the blues, it was ridiculously satisfying, I used Grimms waves, blues from all the rainbows, cubes, pebbles, casa's, earth and wobbling stacker! It looked awesome and made me really like stacking where I fill all the gaps whereas I've usually just used rainbows or other bits to just stack! 


I wrote an actual blog about this day see it here and it was a really lovely fun activity especially as I had my OH's older cousin for the day, something sensory for Zach but creative and fun for her, because what older child doesn't like slime?!


I also wrote a post on this as it was a follow on from the salt dough see it here and a really exciting Invitation to Play using the salt dough characters we created the day before, which Zach absolutely loved and we have kept them so we can use them in the future!


Flatlay friday, I set up a under the sea flatlay using our new Lanka Kade animals that arrived from Yes Bebe, Zach enjoyed playing with it and he loved that I turned Rainbow Ned into a mermaid using Tegu shapes! 


I have a bit of a love for Mandala Pieces at the moment, I feel like I need more, the possibilities are endless with them so I created a Rainbow Fish with them! 


A bit more of a message with this post, saving our seas is very important and we try to reduce our plastic use as much as possible and its a huge part of Yes Bebe's ethos which I love! I used our various toys, Lanka Kade sea animals and our sea themed Duns!

I have loved this week, the inspiration it has given me has been amazing and I already cannot wait till next week, make sure you check out the @yesbebeuk instagram page monday morning for next weeks theme, I cannot wait!!!

Thank you for reading and I hope it's been useful, please leave any comments!
Sophie xo
(Cornish Mama)


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